
Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Kolappan and I am a software engineer with a strong passion for technology and computers. On this blog, I share my thoughts and insights on the coding and development. You can learn more about my professional background and skills by viewing my resume.

Please note that the opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not represent the views of my employer. I hope you find the contents of this blog informative and helpful.

Perosnal Projects

.NET Web API Boilerplate

Start right away

A boilerplate or template for a WebAPI server based on ASP.Net. It contains many core functionalities such as JWT tokens, database connection, error loggers, etc... for a quick setup.


Warn your users

SXW.js is an open-source javascript library that is used to display configurable console warnings to users aginst Self XSS attacks and help prevent it.

Acrylic CSS

CSS for acrylic design

A simple css stylesheet for creating acrylic effect / frozen glass effect in websites. This is inpired from Microsoft's Fluent Design Language in Windows 10.

Bootstrap Cookie Banner

Simple Cookie alert banner

Did you see the cookie alert banner down below in this website? It is the same one. It is a simple banner alert about using cookies for websites based on Bootstrap.

AMP Blogger Templates (Archived)

Why not give it a try?

This is an attempt to implement Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Blogger. These template take advantage of the custome template feature present in Blogger.